Welcome to my portfolio (for want of a better word) of retro game remakes and spin-offs that I made from 2001 to the present day. Since the demise of my website some time ago, this seems to be the best way to distribute them all (free of charge) to anyone who could be interested.
Largely based on old ZX Spectrum games, this is everything that came out of the Space-Time Games stable with some invaluable contributions from others (you know who you are!) and is effectively my own contribution to the game remaking scene.
Some are better than others due to my near lack of programming skill, but hopefully they will all invoke a sense of nostalgia amongst all who dare to visit here, and maybe some classic retro-gaming enjoyment along the way.
All games are Windows based, and are downloadable (again, free of charge!) as .ZIP file archives, that you will of course need to unpack before you can run the game. Most versions of Windows have the ability to unpack such archive files, although if you're running an older version that does not have this facility, something such as WinRAR will suffice. Google has the answers!
It might be a slow process but I am still producing games (my Work in Progress pile is laughably huge, filled with many projects that may or may not see the light of day) but please keep checking back for updates.
Comments are always welcome, and if you feel like reviewing any of my stuff all I ask is that you send me a link to the review so I can add it to this page.
However, just to make the point very clear...no there will NOT be a Mac version of any of these games, and definitely NOT a Spectrum Next version. Both of these platforms are way outside of my programming expertise, so if anyone else wants to take one these projects on other platforms, please be my guest!
Above all though, Enjoy!
S.W. - November 2024